Our Educational Experience
School Philosophy, Culture and Ethos

At MGS, we hold firm the key tenets of the MGS education to nurture and develop girls in their journey of being and becoming Godly women of Excellence with a heart of Love. MGS aspires to be a purpose-driven values-centred community, committed to doing education with and not to our girls. Our desire is for our students to engage and make meaning of the world around them through continuous mastery and growth that prepares for a life of learning, leading and serving. As MGLearns, students embrace deep learning as culture and a way of life through a whole-of-school approach that develops the whole child, supported by teachers as key learning partners within a supportive learning ecosystem. MGServes reflects our commitment to serve the community and, in serving, learn with and from the community. We are invested in coaching our students to be and become their best selves for our community, Singapore and the world, each embodying our school motto To Master, To Grow, To Serve today, for her life journey of tomorrow.
Programmes Offered

MGS is a dual-track school. We offer the four year Singapore-Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate Programme, currently known as the O-level Programme. We also offer the Integrated Programme that leads to the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent). IP subjects include Global Studies, Philosophy, Thinking & Knowledge (PTK) and Independent Studies (IS). Curricular programmes include the Music Elective Programme (MEP) and Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) Week. Co-curricular programmes include Education and Career Guidance, Cyberwellness, Values in Action (VIA), Arts Appreciation, Independent Learning Day, Intergenerational Learning, Outdoor Education and Student Leadership training opportunities.