Language Arts
Every MGS girl an articulate communicator.
The department’s goals for language learning are:
To develop in our pupils a high degree of proficiency in EL; achieving mastery in spoken and written English and a lifelong love for Literature
To prepare pupils for the future through developing their communication skills and showing them the inter-connectedness of knowledge
To create a curriculum that develops in students a strong foundation in oral skills, grammar knowledge and literacy skills
To extend learning of students at increasing levels of complexity
National Syllabuses
Please refer to this link.
The MGS Language Arts curriculum aims to provide students with the opportunity to acquire literary and linguistics skills. The inclusion of the study of mass media adds to the relevance and authenticity of the curriculum, thereby allowing students to experience the power of language. Students come to understand language as a human system of communication – dynamic and evolving, but also systematic and governed by rules.
Another feature of the MGS Language Arts curriculum is the inclusion of texts which are socially and culturally diverse. In reading and discussing a variety of texts, students explore their own and others’ customs, histories, traditions, values, beliefs, and ways of seeing and making sense of the world.
Effective assessments give students feedback on how well they have understood the lessons and on what they need to improve, while helping teachers better design instruction. Examples of these measurements used by the teachers include essays, oral presentations, journals, portfolios, dramatization of Literature texts, interviews and self and peer evaluation.
Special Programmes
All students will have opportunities to pursue their interests through the following:
Creative Arts Programme
RCS Commonwealth Essay Writing Competition
YMCA Plain English Speaking Awards
ACJC Orator’s Trophy
Book Fiesta
MGS Dramatic Monologue
Tick Talk
Future Problem Solving Programme