
FamilyMatters@School is a school-based programme that offers parents and students easy access to family life education (FLE) programmes and resources.
Started in 2002, the programme seeks to:
a) Equip parents with the skills and knowledge to:
Enrich and strengthen their family life; and
Foster better parent-child understanding and relationship;
b) Equip students with:
Skills to build healthy relationships with their peers and family; and
Positive values and attitudes towards family, relationships and life in general
Under the FamilyMatters@School programme, the Ministry of Social and Family Development is embarking on a 2-year pilot (April 2014 – March 2016) to introduce evidence-based parenting programmes* to further enhance parent–child relationships. MGS is one of the schools onboard this pilot programme.
*Note: This programme is heavily backed by 30 years of research findings.
Introducing Triple P: Positive Parenting Programme
The following video gives a quick introduction to the Positive Parenting Programme, Triple P in short, which is the evidence-based parenting programme MSF is offering to Pri 3 & 4 as well as Sec 1 & 2 parents.
The programmes are as follows:
Triple P Level 2
3 X 2 hour seminars spread over the course of the year, for parents who are generally coping well but have some concerns with their children’s behaviour.
Primary Seminar Topics:
Power of Positive Parenting,
Raising Confident, Competent Children,
Raising Resilient Children
Secondary Seminar Topics:
Power of Positive Parenting,
Raising Responsible Teenagers,
Raising Competent Teenagers
Triple P Level 3
4 X 45 min individual consultations spread over a 4 to 6 week period for parents with a specific concern about their child’s behaviour and who require one-to-one consultations. Alternatively, Primary parents may choose to attend the Signposts Programme* which consists of 5 X 2.5 hour small group sessions for 5 families.
*Note: Signposts Programme is NOT for Secondary parents
The appropriate level of training for parents will be ascertained from the score on the questionnaire they filled in and returned to the school.
Level 3 will commence in Term 2
Primary Level 2 seminars will commence in Term 2
Secondary Level 2 seminars will commence in Term 3